Our story

A crossroad of paths thatbecame the scene of surprising coincidences

The Good Samaritan Mission was founded in 1994 by Peter Paul Raj in the slum-area of Vikhroli, Mumbai. In 2013, the voluntary association Frame Project was born to give shape to the concept of social solidarity starting from a friendship born many years earlier in the same Indian megalopolis between Peter Paul and two Italians, Marco Mazzilli and Alessandro Leone.

These encounters generated a chain of solidarity that would later also involve a group of young Italian university students whowanted to create bridges of dialogue and solidarity with other young people, who were geographically distant, andyet close in their desire to create the future through education.

It is against this background that Frame Project was born, in the firm belief that not only are a safe roof and enough food essential, but also education is a fundamental right, as alsostated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Since 2013, the association has been supporting the schooling of the young guests of the Good Samaritan Mission until high school diploma and, in some cases, even university graduation.

In addition to this, over the years it has been necessary to tackle other emergencies, such as the renovation of the buildings or the purchase of means of transport.
For this reason, Frame Project has created a network of solidarity through distance support initiatives which involved adults and students of all levels, all advocates of active connections with India through the use of new technologies, often the viaticum of real trips to Mumbai, thanks to which new friendships with the guests of the Good Samaritan Mission were born.

Frame Project is committed to promoting the culture of inclusion in our country in respect of the specificity of each individual, in the awareness that we live in a world where the interconnection between different cultures requires us to be responsible promoters of an active solidarity that broadens our gaze and enriches our consciences.